Mistakes are as much of a part of success as they are of failure. Although we are told that they are a necessary part of the process of learning, it helps to be reminded so that we do not feel defeated after we make one. Instead of feeling defeated, it is imperative to determine what lesson we can learn from our mistake so that we can remember that information when we need it again. We want to aid others by offering our own experience from errors we have made, but we must keep in mind that we often remember best what we learned from our own mistakes. This poster titled “Mistakes,” is about the process I have cultivated in myself as a Graphic Designer. It was made with the typeface: Homestead, designed by Luke Lissi, as an experiment in moveable type. Dilbert creator Scott Adams said, “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.” This spoke to my creative artist background, which has been colliding with my more disciplined design learning. Cast shadows, handmade paper, bits of string and a lesson in photography all contribute to a vibrant palette of colors. Accompanying typefaces consist of Bodoni Std., Fairview and Avenir. In combination, these four fonts make up a family unlike any seen before. Little bits of information can be found around the poster that name each and explain why I chose them. Finally, three sets of letters are seen overlaying each letter from a specific font family to show how drastic the different weights are for that font. The process I am establishing for myself has many mistakes. Understanding the way I learn and work best is part of my journey to becoming a better designer, creator and teacher for our future generations.