
An app idea to educate people to use their produce instead of throwing it away!

This video was made for a Sustainability in Design class. The video was planned, shot, edited, and finalized by me.
This is the description of the project: 
Our idea is based on informing people how to produce less food waste. We realize a lot of people in the world, but Scottsdale, Arizona particularly, do not know what to do with their produce at specific stages of its life once it arrives in their homes. We will also inform the consumer of when the produce was picked, if it is organic or conventional, and where it was grown. We will use four points in the produce’s life to inform the consumer of things they can do with the item. All of this information will be accessible through a QR code that is placed on the sticker of the fruit. Consumer’s can scan the QR codes and be taken to the app to learn more. As the consumer scans more and more QR codes, they can collect points to earn coupons for produce and ultimately a composting can. As the last part of a produce item’s life is always compost, the consumer will have less trash to put out on their curb. This composting can essentially show how “green” and sustainability that house is, as does a Prius. Our final, measurable data will be the difference in weight that a person can have when using all of their food and composting.  

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